A Novel Design of IEEE 802.15.4 and Solar Based Autonomous Water Quality Monitoring Prototype using ECHERP

Published in International Journal of Computer Science and Network Solutions (ISSN: 2345 - 3397) volume 2, Issue - 1
The recently advancement in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) has brought new distributed sensing applications such as water quality monitoring. With sensing capabilities, using parameters such as pH, conductivity and temperature, the quality of water can be known. This paper proposes a novel design based on IEEE 802.15.4 (Zig-Bee protocol) and solar energy for autonomous water quality monitoring prototype (AWQMP). The prototype is designed to use ECHERP routing protocol and Adruino Mega 2560, an open-source electronic prototyping platform for data acquisition. AWQMP is expected to reduce the cost of manual water quality monitoring due to its autonomous characteristic. Moreover, it will help to study the behavior of aquatic animals in deployed water bodies.

Fredrick R. Ishengoma, “A Novel Design of IEEE 802.15.4 and Solar Based Autonomous Water Quality Monitoring Prototype using ECHERP”, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Solutions (IJCSNS) Volume 2 – Issue 1, January 2014, ISSN 2345-3397, pp.24 - 36.
Link: http://www.ijcsns.com//january.2014-Volume.2-No.1//Article03.pdf

Online Social Networks and Terrorism 2.0 in Developing Countries


The advancement in technology has brought a new era in terrorism where Online Social Networks (OSNs) have become a major platform of communication with wide range of usage from message channelling to propaganda and recruitment of new followers in terrorist groups. Meanwhile, during the terrorist attacks people use OSNs for information exchange, mobilizing and uniting and raising money for the victims. This paper critically analyses the specific usage of OSNs in the times of terrorisms attacks in developing countries. We crawled and used Twitter’s data during Westgate shopping mall terrorist attack in Nairobi, Kenya. We then analysed the number of tweets, ge-location of tweets, demographics of the users and whether users in developing countries tend to tweet, retweet or reply during the event of a terrorist attack. We define new metrics (reach and impression of the tweet) and present the models for calculating them. The study findings show that, users from developing countries tend to tweet more at the first and critical times of the terrorist occurrence. Moreover, large number of tweets originated from the attacked country (Kenya) with 73% from men and 23% from women where original posts had a most number of tweets followed by replies and retweets.    

This research work was published  in International Journal of Computer Science and Network Solutions (ISSN: 2345 - 3397)Volume 1 issue 4.

HDFS+: Erasure Coding Based Hadoop Distributed File System

Published in International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, ISSN 2277-8616, Volume 2 - Issue 9 September 2013 Edition.

     A simple replication-based mechanism has been used to achieve high data reliability of Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). However, replication based mechanisms have high degree of disk storage requirement since it makes copies of full block without consideration of storage size. Studies have shown that erasure-coding mechanism can provide more storage space when used as an alternative to replication. Also, it can increase write throughput compared to replication mechanism. To improve both space efficiency and I/O performance of the HDFS while preserving the same data reliability level, we propose HDFS+, an erasure coding based Hadoop Distributed File System. The proposed scheme writes a full block on the primary DataNode and then performs erasure coding with Vandermonde-based Reed-Solomon algorithm that divides data into m data fragments and encode them into ndata fragments (n>m), which are saved in N distinct DataNodes such that the original object can be reconstructed from any m fragments. The experimental results show that our scheme can save up to 33% of storage space while outperforming the original scheme in write performance by 1.4 times. Our scheme provides the same read performance as the original scheme as long as data can be read from the primary DataNode even under single-node or double-node failure. Otherwise, the read performance of the HDFS+ decreases to some extent. However, as the number of fragments increases, we show that the performance degradation becomes negligible.

Fredrick R. Ishengoma, “HDFS+: Erasure Coding Based Hadoop Distributed File System”, International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research (IJSTR) Volume 2 - Issue 9, September 2013, 190 – 197, Pub ID: 103-526-244, ISSN 2277-8616.

Link: Download Paper, Link to the Journal 

Space Efficiency in HDFS using erasure-coding

A simple replication-based mechanism has been used to achieve high data reliability of Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). However, replication based mechanisms have high degree of disk storage requirement since it makes copies of full block without consideration of storage size. 
Using erasure-coding we can reduce the storage size of HDFS. Erasure codes store data objects as equations thus reducing much of the storage cost.