The Art of Data Hiding with Reed-Solomon Error Correcting Codes

Published in International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA). 11/2014; 106(14):28-31. DOI: 10.5120/18590-9902


With the tremendous advancements in technology and the Internet, data security has become a major issue around the globe. To guarantee that data is protected and does not go to an unintended endpoint, the art of data hiding (steganography) emerged. Steganography is the art of hiding information such that it is not detectable to the naked eye. Various techniques have been proposed for hiding a secret message in a carrier document. In this paper, we present a novel design that applies Reed-Solomon (RS) error correcting codes in steganographic applications. The model works by substituting the redundant RS codes with the steganographic message. The experimental results show that the proposed design is satisfactory with the percentage of decoded information 100% and percentage of decoded secret message 97. 36%. The proposed model proved that it could be applied in various steganographic applications.

  Fredrick R. Ishengoma, “The Art of Data Hiding with Reed-Solomon Erasure Correcting Codes ”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), ISSN: 0975-8887, Volume 106 - Number 14, PP: 28-31, DOI: 10.5120/18590-9902, November 2014.


3D Printing: Developing Countries Perspectives

Published in International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA). 10/2014; 104(11):30-34. DOI: 10.5120/18249-9329


For the past decade, 3D printing (3DP) has become popular due to availability of low-cost 3D printers such as RepRap and Fab@Home; and better software, which offers a broad range of manufacturing platform that enables users to create customizable products. 3DP offers everybody with the power to convert a digital design into a three dimensional physical object. While the application of 3DP in developing countries is still at an early stage, the technology application promises vast solutions to existing problems. This paper presents a critical review of the current state of art of 3DP with a particular focus on developing countries. Moreover, it discusses the challenges, opportunities and future insights of 3DP in developing countries. This paper will serve as a basis for discussion and further research on this area.

Fredrick R. Ishengoma and Adam B. Mtaho, “3D Printing: The Developing Countries Perspectives”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), ISSN: 0975-8887, Volume 104 - Number 11, PP: 30-34, DOI: 10.5120/18249-9329, October 2014.


Online Social Network as a Tool for Facilitating e-Learning in Tanzania

Published in International Journal of Open Information Technologies ISSN: 2307-8162 Volume 2, Number 10, October 2014.


The main delivery system in Tanzanian education has been face-to-face approach relying on printed educational materials. High cost of books and insufficient teaching materials are still the major challenges. Recently, Online Social Networks (OSN) have gained popularity across the world and they are used for sharing information, news, chatting, messaging, and keeping in touch with friends. Studies have shown that OSNs can be used as tools for facilitating learning, supplementing face-to-face approach. Currently, there is an increase in the number of local OSN sites and subscribers in Tanzania. This paper examines to what extent are local OSNs in Tanzania exploited as e-learning platforms. Moreover, it addresses the student’s perceived challenges and discusses the opportunities of using local OSNs towards fostering students' academic development

Citation:   Fredrick R. Ishengoma and Adam B. Mtaho, “ Online Social Network as a Tool for Facilitating e-Learning in Tanzania”, International Journal of Open Information Technologies ISSN: 2307-8162 Volume 2, Number 10, October 2014.

Authentication System for Smart Homes Based on ARM7TDMI-S and IRIS-Fingerprint Recognition Technologies

Published in CiiT International Journal of Programmable Device Circuits and Systems; 6(6):.162 – 16, 08/2014

With the rapid advancement in technology, smart homes have become applicable and so the need arise to solve the security challenges that are accompanied with its operation. Passwords and identity cards have been used as traditional authentication mechanisms in home environments, however, the rise of misuse of these mechanisms are proving them to be less reliable. For instance, ID cards can be misplaced, copied or counterfeited and being misused. Conversely, studies have shown that biometrics authentication systems particularly Iris Recognition Technology (IRT) and Fingerprint Recognition Technology (FRT) have the most reliable mechanisms to date providing tremendous accuracy and speed. As the technology becomes less expensive, application of IRT& FRT in smart-homes becomes more reliable and appropriate solution for security challenges. In this paper, we present our approach to design an authentication system for smart homes based on IRT, FRT and ARM7TDMI-S.The system employs two biometrics mechanisms for high reliability whereby initially, system users must enroll their fingerprints and eyes into the camera. Iris and fingerprint biometrics are scanned and the images are stored in the database. In the stage of authentication, FRT and IRT fingerprint scan and analyze points of the user's current input iris and fingerprint and match with the database contents. If one or more captured images do not match with the one in the database, then the system will not give authorization.

Citation: Fredrick R. Ishengoma, “Authentication System for Smart Homes Based on ARM7TDMI-S and IRIS-Fingerprint Recognition Technologies”, CiiT International Journal of Programmable Device Circuits and Systems, Print: ISSN 0974 – 973X & Online: ISSN 0974 – 9624, Vol. 6 – Issue 6, pp.162 – 167, August 2014.


Authentication System for Smart Homes Based on ARM7TDMI-S and IRIS-Fingerprint Recognition Technologies

Published in International Journal of Computer Science and Network Solutions (ISSN: 2345 - 3397) volume 4 issue 2, April , 2014.


Quality of service (QoS) in cellular communication system is a topic that recently has raised much interest for many researchers. This paper presents the findings obtained from the study on factors affecting QoS in Tanzania cellular networksThe study was carried out in Dodoma Municipal, Tanzania. The study employed cross-sectional research design. Information was gathered from structured questionnaire of 240 subscribers during the study of quality of service for the four leading cellular networks in Tanzania (Vodacom, Airtel, Tigo and Zantel). Both qualitative and quantitative data from field survey were collected and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS-version 11) and Excel software. The study findings show that the major factors that degrade QoS in Tanzania cellular networks are inadequate network infrastructure, lack of fairness from service providers and little efforts taken by the government in enforcing the national agreed standards. Other factors are lack of reliable end-to-end systems, geographical terrain, low quality handsets, poor government monitoring on standards and lack of subscriber’s skills and training.

Adam B. Mtaho and Fredrick R. Ishengoma, “Factors Affecting QoS in Tanzania Cellular Networks”, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Solutions (IJCSNS) Volume 2 – Issue 4, April, 2014, ISSN 2345-3397, pp.29 - 36.
